Saturday, July 24, 2010

Sleepers Awake by Feisty Y. Beden

STATUS:  Complete
PAIRING:  Edward/Bella
AUTHOR:  Feisty Y. Beden



Bella, compulsive sketcher of wolves, has not dreamed in years. Unexpectedly, she begins to dream again the night tragedy takes away her first and greatest love.

Gasp....I'm recommending a story with no Edward.  I know I know.  Let me explain...
I read this thinking Edward was still alive somewhere....or that it was a dream...or...i don't know.  I was in denial.   This is in my top 5 of favorites.  It is very different...and I feel like most people will turn away from it after reading the first chapter because of what happens.   TRUST ME...keep reading.  Such an intricate plot line...I read the whole thing in one sitting.  If you do choose to read this...the outtakes are worth reading after you are done.  They answered a lot of questions for me. 

You can find the story on HERE
You can read the outtakes HERE
You can follow the author on twitter HERE

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