Hey guys,
This is Alex, Lulu's friend :) Along with some of my friends, there has been a blog and a twitter started for a fundraiser to raise money for the victims of the Tsunami's! We have had a HUGE response in the amount of people who want to help, and as of this morning we had over $700 donated and almost 150 authors who have signed up. When you donate to the red cross, or the tsunami relief organization of your choice, forward us your receipt and we will add you to the list of people who will be receiving the compilation in May.
If you have interest in donating your one shot (which can be from ANY fandom and in form of a one shot or a poem) please visit our website, which I will provide at the bottom of this post, and sign up! Also if you want to affiliate, grab our button on our website and email us so we can credit you in our affiliates tab!
The money goes directly to the Red Cross or the organization you choose. We do not handle the money at all! If you are from a different country outside of the United States, please feel free to donate to another organization. As long as it is Tsunami related, and you forward your receipt to us we will accept anything. We are trying to help Japan, Hawaii and the West Coast as much as we can and have no restrictions as to what organization receives the donations.
Thank you SO much for your time to read this, and please check out our website, twitter and email us with any questions. And thank you to Lulu for letting me post on here :)
Alex (RawrrJackson90)
Website: http://www.fandomfightstsunami.blogspot.com/
Twitter: www.twitter.com/fandom4tsunami
Email: fandom4tsunami@gmail.com
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Foxy Fics Round 2

I helped promote foxy fics last time around, and lately I have been so busy with school, and taking care of my daughter. I know its a little late, but I wanted to help get the word out on round 2. This is from the foxy blog:
"Many of you may remember the fundraiser I put together in August, helping to raise money for Parksinon's disease. Altogether, we raised a little over $1000 in just over two weeks. I am asking you to help me exceed our original goal, to help bring our total up to a new goal of $2000. All money donated benefits the Michael J. Fox Foundation in hopes of one day finding a cure.
For those of you who don't know my story, my Father-in-law was diagnosed with Parkinson's last year, and this past summer we celebrated his 60th birthday. He's a retired Marine, a father of three, step-father of 2, and grandfather of 6. He's a well-respected man, and I love him as if he were my own father. I hate watching him struggle, day to day, with this disease. I'm hoping to bring more awareness to others such as him by promoting Foxy Fics.
If you are interested in becoming a contributing author, I am accepting people now through February 15th. I don't care what fandom you're writing for - Twilight or otherwise - or if it's an outtake, one-shot, etc, but it must be something new and not already posted. Donations this time will run from March 1 - March 31. I also request that your writing piece not be posted until after April 1st, but I do welcome teasers.
If you have ANY questions, I am happy to answer them. You can email me or catch me on Twitter.
In addition to Foxy Fics, I am starting something new. Now, this may seem controversial to some, I'm sure, but I wanted to add it to my blog anyway. For those who don't know, the medication for Parkinson's can run well over $1000 a MONTH. That's how much my Father-in-law is paying now, in fact. I am going to be adding a link that will be attached to a paypal account, specifically set-up for this fundraiser, and all money put into it will go directly into an account created for my Father-in-law as assistance for his medication. The seperate fundraiser will be called Dollars for Dennis.
I know it's a lot to put money into an account for someone you don't know, I realize this, so if you are uncomfortable doing so - don't. It won't offend me, I promise. I appreciate it if you simply want to help with Foxy Fics. But, for those of you who are okay with doing so, I'd like this to be a wonderful gift to my family, because I know he may not be able to continue working once his tremors worsen, and the money he is already putting towards medication is hurting them significantly, financially.
Once again, if you have ANY questions, whatsoever, about either Foxy Fics or Dollars for Dennis, I am happy to answer them.
Thank you so much,
Please check it out, donate! anything you can do to help is appreciated!
You can visit the blog HERE
Monday, October 4, 2010
Site Mention: My Robsession
So one of my twitter friends, @UNF4rob has been making banners and whatnot...and how did I not know this until now! lol So I asked her if I could link her! You have got to check these out! They are great!
You can visit the site HERE
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Fanfic Through Hazeleyes

The lovely Alex (@freebird1790) has started a blog for her fics! You should check this girl out, she is amazing!
She was the very first friend I ever made on twitter, and we bonded over me going through a HUGE tornado warning..etc...It was hysterical...i was tweeting her throughout my family sitting in our bathroom.
Anyway, she has been there for me through thick and thin, and I just want to thank her for that. She can crank out plots like you wouldn't believe...and has the cutest Bella/Edward in her fic Breathing Again, so you should check out this blog.
There are also some AMAZING banners that Monica (@UNF4rob) made for her, so you should leave them some love!!!
You can see the blog HERE
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
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